Changes are afoot for the application of Building Control Regulations for extensions and one off houses with September 1st 2015 being flagged as the date. In principle an opt out of the requirements of S.I. 9 is being mooted but concern is being expressed that 2 standards will develop. We understand that local authorities are being consulted by the Department with the intention of ramping up inspections for such "opt out" projects but with government resources being finite the effect of this can, at best, be limited. Questions are being asked by the professional bodies on the matter as the details remain a mystery.
My advise to clients would be to not "opt out" as this may effect your house value in the long run, not to mention the quality of construction. For all its faults the new Building Control Regulations (S.I.9) is increasing the culture of compliance which is the very thing that everyone sought in the first place.
At ABA Architects our recent experience is that we are seeing local authorities carrying out more inspections and their input has been helpful and beneficial to the projects. As always we are happy to advise you on the specifics of your project and the many legal requirements attached to same.